Saturday, November 8, 2014

1.6 this is halloween everyone scream!

 the next day Suzy still bored with the same routine decided to find a new dumpster, and found one at an old abandoned warehouse though the front was destroyed she thought the back had some nece doors and cameras on it, but if she had been paying more attention she might have noticed that while she was dumpster diving the cameras all moved to face her
she had found a couple chairs in there but they were to broken up to sell so she just brought them home, and put them in her house.
 she then sat down, and began carving a pumpkin, for tonight was halloween, she had even found a farmer costume, and some dog shoes so she wouldn't look strange in her nightgown giving out teddy bears to kids
 she waited, and waited but no sim ever came to the door, most likely cause of the weather.
 suxy woke up that morning saddened no one came she had sent a ton of money buying bears for kids to get, and no one came and got them!
 she looked down at her precious pumpkin she had just desroyed, oh well she thought no one will get to see my creation.

the rest of fall was rather mundane except the one day one lady went crazy, and started tearing up everything in the junkyard
Suzy was not amused someone was tearing up her livelihood, but one sims treasures, is just trash to most she told her self to stop from yelling at the lady she did hate violence so...

I love trick or treaters, I was sad to see none come to her house only got 11 on actual halloween cause of the horid weather so i know how she feels

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