Friday, January 9, 2015


side not also got this with ltpoints forgot to add it into the last one it got put away as well

Lionell kept looking at the same place in the paper the advertizements, some one was giving away a cute little puppy
hmm maybe sasha would like having a dog as she grows up
and everyone got promoted recently so funds are coming in the house
a dog is totally good for kids let me just call them
how long is it going to take them to get here

hello sir don't you beleive dogs are great for pet
hewy arn'y you that celbrity that I saw on tv that was disgraced for woohing with an occult?!?!!?
I'M MARRIED TO AN OCCULT what is wrong with you people!!! (almost everday hes now getting disgraced for it poor thing)
then the puppy arrived
but he was two busy arguing with the pop  to notice

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I love it!!!!!

aww it's so cute!

ana had had a rough day at work so rough she had gottenstressed, and had to leave half way through to become a were wolf then go back in

on the bright side she had got promoted, and today wasn't taking commute/ teleporting home
she was driving her own cop car around
yahy your home the gnome says to the werewolf charging inside
aww cute puppy wipeout
grrr face
my daughter will love you
you see your her doggy
so cute
but remember no matter how much time I spend with you I got you for her :3
uh yah right everyone knows it's for you, ya dog lover

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