Lionell raced off to work
he had gotten fairly good hiding it from his wife
he hated the job, but if it was going to help stop the prophecy
wedding gifts for lourdes, and donell
only kept the chicken coop, and flower pot (deleted the one from the pet store like someone bought it for them)
and ana had something to scratch that day when the flower pot broke I tossed it as well
Lionell loved playing with his child
he loved her even more than Lourdes loved donell, and that was alot
he loved showering her with love, and attention
and wondered how the prophecy could conceive him neglecting his bundle of joy
he could hardly beleive this sweet little thing, was going tobecome a child today
hed miss bein able to hold her
and he hoped the prophecy never came true
this story has been interupted to bring you a stange jackalope sighting
it's hidden with grass
but when looking from my house you can see it in the fog upper right corner
can anyone else see it in there towns? I din't add it
Lourdes received another round of wedding gifts
I only kept this painting, and gem stone cutter
Lionel for being in the evil career tract was full of love he loved his puppy
and his daughter so much
and she loved him as well
at the birthday party this lady showed up
and Ana had to rush off to work right before the candles were blown out to research some evidence.
so it wasn't the most ideal party, but at least some people showed
including goodwin
Lionells boss, and her kid
and to my horrified surprize
goodwin's very pregnant wife, I din't even know he had. (so I foresee a mis-carriage, and two people becoming elders next time I see them...)
but all together it was a happy occasion
blow out the candles sweety
oo daddy what happen?
your going to be a big girl now.
I feel funny?
sparkles, and mutant toddler!!!!
to be continued
your blog color is satisfaction-CHEATS Thanks for sharing idea.