Saturday, December 27, 2014

2.6 Ana's B-day

Lionell was doing better, Ana said as soon as she aged he could sleep with her in the bed, and today was her birthday.
ANa had woke up in a horrible mood swing

she built snowmen to keep herself occupied, she had dicscovered four types now (I think there is only four)

and Donell somehow got trapped on his ladder 

at the party Ana was in such a mood she had quickly blown out the candles, and tried to leave the crowd , but instead she missed one, and caught the cake on fire
ggoodthing shes brave, unllike the rest of her screaming guests,
she managed to put it out
after that she calmed herself down got out of wherewolf form, and did it right.
Happy birthday!
the fireman arrived, and inspected the house, he didn't like the lab in the basement, but wasn't a police man so he figured he couldn't do anything about it.
so pretty!
while the party was happening Lourdes mom and step dad had been making out, the step dad wanted woohoo, but Lourdes managed to pull her mom away
oh well cake was good as well
lourdes spent some time with her step dad she found that he was just as easy to deal with as her dadd, a good rub on the belly, and they were friends for life... her mom had a thing for werewolves even if she was a vampire.

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